Dec 31, 2013
Dec 30, 2013
....Random Search Result
Sorry so long
Oct 27, 2013
Oct 18, 2013
Tweets Wishing Blackrabbit-san Happy B-day!
@JumboShrimpBlog Happy birthday @Strawberrybun1!!
— Brina Palencia (@BrinaPalencia) October 18, 2013
@Strawberrybun1 Happy birthday! Xc
— Bryce Oprandi (@bryceoprandi) October 18, 2013
@Strawberrybun1 happy birthday!
— thefinebros (@thefinebros) October 18, 2013
@JumboShrimpBlog @Strawberrybun1 b-days of the happy variety to you!
— Todd Haberkorn (@ToddHaberkorn) October 18, 2013
@JumboShrimpBlog @Strawberrybun1 happy bday strawberry ;)
— Johnjay Van Es (@JohnjayVanEs) October 17, 2013
Oct 17, 2013
Oct 8, 2013
Catching up
Oct 2, 2013
Sep 28, 2013
Super Awesome Compilation of Parody-like Songs!
Sep 18, 2013
Tweets From 2013
— Cory Monteith (@CoryMonteith) July 12, 2013
I have a dream that we all choose to be kind to one another. #DreamDay
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) August 29, 2013
Just finished shooting Season 9’s 5th episode of HIMYM. I’m happy to say, they are uniformly great. Excited about our final season!
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) August 17, 2013
Fledglings, there will be no #MBAV Season 3. From the bottom of our undead hearts, thanks to the fans,…
— Fresh TV (@thefreshchannel) September 18, 2013
After 36 years, Voyager 1 has become the first human-made object to leave the solar system. Congratulations @NASA.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) September 12, 2013
Hey west coast! #NewGirl is on in 10 minutes!!!!
— zooey deschanel (@ZooeyDeschanel) September 18, 2013
Everyone should calm down. @BenAffleck is going to do a great job as Batman.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 18, 2013
My entire twitter is observational humor. #includingthistweet #includingthathashtag #imafraud
— Jon Cozart (@JonCozart) September 1, 2013
We're all just inches from crazy and centimeters from Starbucks.
— Mike Birbiglia (@birbigs) September 17, 2013
Don't ask why. This is for all you media leeches.
Sep 17, 2013
Lili - 10 year old singing On My Own from Les Miserables
This girl is amazing. I wanted to post it here first, because I'm sure that it will very soon become a viral video. So remember, I posted it here first!
Sep 7, 2013
Sep 3, 2013
I'm Back From Kumoricon
Sep 2, 2013
Omnivore Salt
Aug 30, 2013
Guinea Pigs
The evil laughs still in process. Anyway, although it may not seem evil, today I have an urge to post pictures of guinea pigs. Don't worry! With my evil ray, I shall turn them into crazy, minion guinea pigs that wreck terror on the city! This may not be the status quo for evil deeds, but believe me when I say this: the status is NOT quo!
Aug 25, 2013
I'm Sorry....
I'm sorry guys I'm through a hard time emotionally right now so I won't be posting for a while. I'm really sorry! So before I go here are some pictures.
Aug 24, 2013
Tonight is going to be a good one. My friends and I are going to go do karaoke. Could that BE anymore fun? Blackrabbit-san and I are going to sing Don't Go Breakin' My Heart together. I wish I was a better singer, it would probably make the night more enjoyable for others. Oh well, you know what? The whole point of karaoke is to allow those who can't sing their moment in the spotlight!
P.S. - Did you catch the personality thing? It's hard! I'll tell you who I was this time next time. Meanwhile you can guess in the comments.
Aug 18, 2013
Hi Everyone, I'm Back
Aug 13, 2013
Here's a Thought
So I was talking with my cousin, Maya, on the phone the other day and we were talking about how I'm moving soon. She was saying that before I move, I should put on a different personality each day; it wouldn't matter because I would be moving away anyway. Well obviously I'm not going to be anyone but me (though I wouldn't mind acting really crazy the day before I move). However, it would be cool to act out different personalities on the blog. I mean, you have to admit that it's a pretty fun idea. So, whilst I'm blogging for the next six months, I shall write with a different personality from TV shows, books, movies, plays, etc. and you can try to guess who I am! Sometimes it might be very obscure.
On another note, I felt the urge to post this:
Aug 6, 2013
Anime Creatures Desktop Wallpaper
I made a collage desktop wallpaper of all of my favorite anime creatures. Mokona from Tsubasa Chronicle is my favorite, but Pakkun from Naruto is a close second. Anyway thought I'd share it with you!
Aug 2, 2013
Sundays at Tiffany's
I realized that the blog has been rather inactive lately so I thought I'd post something. Let's the moment I'm rereading one of my favorite books, Sundays at Tiffany's. It's a lovely book that makes me cry hysterically as soon as I finish the first 36 pages.
Here's how I summarized it to my friend Blackrabbit-san in an email:
I'm reading only the best romance novel ever! There's a mean mother, an low-life, disgusting boyfriend, and her savior, the love of her life. He was there when she was 9 years old and he's there for her now. Jane's been neglected by her mother her entire life. Her father forgets about her while he honeymoons with his girlfriend. Her boyfriend is using her to star in the play she's written. How can this kind, smart, generous girl ever find happiness in this cruel world?! One word: Michael.
Hopefully that intrigued you. A film was also produced but it doesn't even begin to tell as good a story as the book. It's coauthored by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet, though it appears Patterson gets most of the credit. Even though his name is printed largely on the cover and Charbonnet's is smaller towards the bottom, I cannot commit myself to believing he is the artist of this master piece. It would appear that he conceived the original idea, as told by the introduction, but the eloquent wording and lovely descriptions are so unique, I am led to believe they were added by one particular writer. I'm not sure who wrote what, but I think that in any case Charbonnet deserves more recognition.